Operation Safe & Sound

Hi Friends,
Today I’m here a special post for my friend Christy.  For those who may not know Christy is a part of the Lawnscaping Design Team.  She was one of the first people to comment on my blog when I first started.  She is sweet and encouraging and a good friend.

Unfortunately Christy and her family were victims of a home invasion recently.  Many of their valuables were stolen and their home was trashed.  Some of the things that were taken or destroyed were sentimental and irreplaceable. You can read her post about it HERE. One thing Christy said to me long ago was how she loved the community we are all a part of through crafting and blogging. We are there for each other despite the many miles that separate us.  The people who broke into Christy’s home not only stole her possessions but also her sense of security.  They violated her home, the place where we are supposed to feel safe and secure.  Dealing with police reports, investigations & the insurance company has been and continues to be exhausting and frustrating for Christy and her family.

Some of Christy’s Friends have come together to try and help.  We are of course making cards for her because that’s what we do.  But ultimately, we want to help her and her family get back on there feet.  Imagine having to replace the necessities while also trying to rebuild the sense of security that we sometimes take for granted.

If you would like to help Christy and her family there is a PayPal button for donations.  If it is your heart’s desire to give please do, every little bit can help, nothing is too small.  Our goal is to raise $1,000 to help cover the costs of food, lodging and replacing some of the items taken.

My card I made for Christy is below, but if you’re interested in seeing all of the cards, a full list of girls who are participating in the card drive is available at the Lawnscaping Challenge blog & A Blog Named Hero

Christy I made this card to encourage you to continue to shine even when the world seems dark around you.  Don’t let the actions of others weigh you down, keep your head up and God will keep you and your family safe. Hugs to you sweet friend. 🙂

Thanks for stopping by today, and thank you for your help.

5 thoughts on “Operation Safe & Sound”

  1. Chari, I cannot tell you what an encouragement this beautiful card and your sweet sentiments are! You have really lifted my spirits tonight. I appreciate and admire you so much, and what you girls have done for me, even just the cards! — is so overwhemlingly kind and generous. My family and I can't thank you enough. If ever we meet, I owe you BIG HUGS! Much love.

  2. I love the card! I've never put the stars around the lantern, I think that's a great idea! I'm actually working on a batch of cards for the Heroes drive using the lanterns and needed some new inspiration! Thanks so much for participating in our Operation!

  3. I love the new look of your blog!! matches with your cards & stamp – awesome!!

    I also LOVE this card!! I just got this stamp set this weekend!! I'm so excited, I've been wishing for it for a while!!


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