Getting to know me blog hop

Today’s post is a bit different, I was tagged by my fellow Fawnie Elena to do a little getting to know me blog post. So today I will answering (or attempting to answer) some crafty questions given to me by Elena.

1. What creative projects are you currently working on?
Currently I am working on projects that will be shared later in the month for Lawn Fawn, Studio Calico, Simon Says Stamp and other fun things that I have to keep under my hat for now *wink wink*   Lately my blog tends to be lots of posts and projects packed together then periods of nothing because I’m usually working on stuff to be revealed later.  One day I may get on a more regular schedule.

2.  What inspires your designs?
Lots of things inspire me, inspiration can truly strike anywhere.  I am completely guilty of taking random pics with my phone when I see things out and about and in the store that I find inspiring, textiles, prints, color combinations.  I am also very much inspired by my creative friends and design team mates.  So many times I see projects and think “oh my goodness that’s brilliant, wish I had thought of that!” But that’s the best thing about creativity, just take an idea and morph it into something that is all your own.

3.  What method or process do you apply to each of your creative projects and how long does each project take to complete?
This is a hard one, not so sure I have a specific method.  I tend to plan cards out a lot.  I keep a stack of cheap card stock cut to standard card size on my desk and I “sketch” stamp out my ideas to make sure things fit well or translate from my head to the paper.  I stare at a layout often, move things around, stare some more.  I am a bit of a perfectionist so I like to be sure of something before I commit to it.  That being said, projects take me awhile, hours at times. But sometimes I can get very inspired and whip out a handful of projects pretty quickly, it just depends on the mojo I guess.

4.  If you had to describe your ‘signature’ style, what would it be?
Cute and happy! Most of the time anyway.  I am usually inspired by my cute stamps to make cards more than anything.  Sometimes I come up with something clean and simple and other times it can be more complex but it’s always usually a bright and happy design in the end I hope.

5.  What three crafting tools/products can you not live without?
There is no way to only pick three! What crafter came up with this question? HA! Stamps for sure (which in turn requires ink of course) Copic Markers, and scissors.  Oh but wait I need a paper trimmer too! Only three just isn’t going to cut it.

So now it’s my turn to tag a few people to play along.

Britta Swiderski, tag you’re it!  I first found Britta through the Lawnscaping Challenge blog.  I really loved watching her videos.  She is the reason I now love distress inks.  So happy that I can call her a friend and I have had the pleasure of spending time with her.  Looking forward to the next time I get to see her again.

And Danielle Walls, tag you’re it too! Honestly I don’t remember how I first came to know Danielle but  she allowed me to be part of her first design team at Neat and Tangled which was awesome.  She is sweet and lovely and can’t wait to see her again soon.

Love you girls! 🙂

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